Kamis, 24 Desember 2015

Info kursi pijat zero gravity 3d Massage chair di @hp081380783912

Advance Ichiro Tronia HS8860
Harga: Rp. 79.980.000 (call/sms)
083872490010 - 081380783912 - 085775972757
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1. Automatic Moving
• Tedapat Rel di bawah kursi.
• Kursi dapat bergerak ke depan sampai 30cm sehingga pada saat tidak di gunakan kursi tidak memakan ruangan.
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2. Zero Gravity
• Gravitasi mecapai titil " 0 " , Fungsi nya sebagai relaksasi maksimal sebab tidak ada beban/ tekanan pada tulang belakang.
• Sensasi seperti duduk di kursi Astronot.
• Posisi kaki lebih tinggi dari jantung, sehingga mempermudah memperlancar peredaran darah ke seluruh Organ tubuh.
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3. Empat Roller Innovatif
• Menyerupai tangan seorang therapis profesional.
• Mempunyai penyesuaian yang Ergonomis terhadap tulang belakang.
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4. Leg Extention
• Panjang pijatan pada kaki bisa di atur sesuai tinggi badan/ portur tubuh pengguna, sehingga siapa pun merasa nyaman ketika menggunakan Ichiro Tronia.

5. Air Bag
• Terdapat air bag di bagian bahu, lengan, punggung serta kaki.
• Berfungsi sebagai melancarkan sirkulasi darah.
• Merelaksasi otot yang lelah dan tegang.

6. Reflexion Roller
• Di lengkapi Roller therapy yang terdapat di kaki sebagai refleksi kaki.

7. Variasi metide pemijatan
• Kneding
• Percussion
• Taping
• Shiatsu
• Variasi
• Otomatic

8. Sistem control Special
• Remote bisa di aplikasikan ke Gadget Android anda sehingga memudah kan control ketika di gunakan.
• Satu-satu nya kursi pijat kelas Premium yang memiliki conektifitas via Bluetooh.

9. Jalur pijat " L "
• Pengalaman yang berbeda hadir di Ichiro Tronia karena bola pijat sampai ke Bokong yang belum di miliki oleh kursi pijat jenis lain.
• Super nyaman
• Mencegah syaraf kejepit tulang ekor.

10. Lampu LED
• Best Efek ketika di gunakan saat ruangan gelap, sehingga berasa seperti di ruang therapy kelas dunia.

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Foto kiriman Toko ARBIB alat terapi (@tokoarb) pada
Penelusuran yang terkait dengan masalah tulang pinggang pengertian tulang pinggang fungsi tulang pinggang tulang pinggang bengkok tulang pinggang belakang nyeri tulang pinggang sakit tulang pinggang terasa sakit tulang pinggang kiri sakit tulang pinggang bergeser Jangan Remehkan Nyeri Tulang Belakang Mitra Kemayoran Tips Menghilangkan Sakit Punggung - Dokita - Dokter Kita Jangan Abaikan Gangguan Tulang Belakang masalah sakit tulang punggung tulang punggung bengkok fungsi tulang punggung arti tulang punggung tulang punggung terdiri atas peribahasa tulang punggung tulang punggung nyeri tulang punggung sakit saat tidur Ketegangan Berulang pada Bahu dan Punggung bahu sakit sebelah kiri bahu sakit sebelah kanan bahu sakit gejala apa bahu sakit saat bangun tidur bahu sakit gejala penyakit apa bahu sakit saat bernafas sendi bahu sakit bila digerakkan cara mengecilkan pinggang dan perut cara mengecilkan pinggang dan bokong cara mengecilkan pinggang yang lebar cara mengecilkan pinggang dan paha cara mengecilkan pinggang pria cara mengecilkan pinggang dalam 1 minggu cara mengecilkan lingkar pinggang cara mengecilkan paha dan pinggang dalam waktu 1 minggu
Features What Is the Value for You3D Massage Technology UNIQUE The unique 3D pneumatic massage roller probes deeper into the muscles and tissue than any other system. Being a full 3″ (7.6cm) in diameter it provides the deepest, most complete massage possible with today’s technology.Shoulder Wrap Pressure Massage UNIQUE As well as massaging your shoulder blades, the rollers move up over your shoulders for a more complete experience. The chair gently kneads the base of your neck and works between the shoulder blades, releasing all of the tension stored up from the stresses of modern day living. It feels like gentle pressure from the thumbs while the palms of the hand apply firm pressure and push outwards.Luxury Heated Massage Pads UNIQUE The welcoming heated pads in the backrest will warm and loosen your muscles while providing a feeling of comfort and luxury. Relaxing your muscles ensures a deeper, more satisfying massage.3D Air Massage Function UNIQUE: This chair has sophisticated airbag cartridges positioned throughout the chair. Each functions independently to provide massage in a wave motion so that each muscle is worked on individually. This is vastly superior to conventional massage chairs which simply have airbags that inflate and deflate uniformly.Ankle and Calf Stretching UNIQUE: Each leg rest functions independently and provides maximum stretching, mobility and circulation in the calves and ankles while easing aches and pains from long periods of walking and standing. The unique torsion effect rotates the ankle in all directions to improve flexibility.9 Different 3D Massage styles UNIQUE: There are 9 separate styles delivered by the 3D massage roller technology: kneading, knocking, finger pressing (acupressure), tapping, rolling, pushing, compression, tracking, and Thai stretching. These target the key areas: neck, shoulders, back, hips, and waist.Zero Gravity Reclining Option Feel like an astronaut by levitating and elevating your body for an experience of weightlessness with the one-touch, automated ‘Zero Gravity’ feature. This will alleviate any weight, pressure or strain on sensitive muscles and joints. It also increases comfort, permitting a deeper, more satisfying massage.3D Body Scanning System Advanced optical sensors combined with computer technology analyze and map your body’s contours with particular emphasis on your neck, back and legs. Then the massage rollers are positioned according to your precise physiology. This allows a highly personal massage to be administered while focusing on your body’s specific needsLarge Total Contact Area The flexible 3D massage roller has the highest range of travel of any massage chair. It has 31” (77cm)” of vertical travel and with a fully-extended wingspan of 1.5-9.6 (3.8-24.5cm)”, can reach more areas of your back than any other massage system. Its class leading capabilities provide the ultimate massage chair experience.Thai Stretching Massage It works on the complete back, including any difficult to reach areas, and provides a full Thai massage, stretching your back and muscles for improved mobility and relief from common back pain complaints.Ankle and Foot Compression Massage The individually functioning acu-airbags target specific acupressure points on the sole of the foot and around the ankles to give you the feeling of a reflexology massage. The kneading and pressure helps improve circulation, relieve swelling and generally relax the feet.Air-Wave Arm Massage The airbags in the 2 independent armrest units work harmoniously with the main chair to provide a vitalizing, wave compression massage that helps improve circulation throughout the arms. This comforting effect is known to relieve symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and similar conditions.Music Entertainment System The chair has integrated stereo speakers and an MP3 decoder with USB input. Plug in your own headphones and load up your favorite music for the ultimate personalized massage experience. The chair will even synchronize your massage to the music providing the ultimate, sensory, therapeutic, relaxation experience.Quality, Comfort & Durability The chair is upholstered in luxurious, stitched, synthetic leather. This supple and durable material provides comfort and a stylish appearance, allowing your chair to be installed in a wide range of locations. The cushions and pads are designed for maximum comfort and luxury.Unbeatable Warranty Our class leading 5-year Warranty sets the industry standard for satisfaction and service.

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